How to Harness Your Own Pet Tornado
The small hand made box set includes an unplayable deck of cards, a small zine and two small prints. The preciousness of the box suggests a personal collection of keepsakes, while the images are disperate in subject and location. The photographs of figures in the deck, indirectly relating to face cards, do not look into the camera, their eyes, faces or entire heads looking away, obscured or seen from behind; The zine, How to Harness Your Own Pet Tornado also shows individuals from behind, with many images repeating from the card deck. Toward the end of the zine is an excerpt from John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath describing an interaction that takes place during the Joad family’s migration from Oklahoma to California. In this excerpt a gas attendant continually repeats the question “What we coming to?”, illustrating his denial of the reality that is happening around him. The scene focuses on the moment between moving forward and remaining in the past.

Documentation from "Heat Lightning"
De Pree Art Gallery – Hope College. Holland, MI

Documentation from "Heat Lightning"
De Pree Art Gallery – Hope College. Holland, MI